Hoof Fungus

(Fomes fomentarius)

Other names: Fomes fomentarius, Tinder Fungus, Tinder Conk, Tinder Polypore, Ice Man Fungus, Amadouvier, Fungo Esca, Yesca, Bukova Guba

Hoof Fungus is inedible mushroom that grows worldwide, causing a white rot in the beech and the birches. The archeological findings of Otzi the Iceman in the European Alps show that it was used 5000 years ago, possibly to light fire. It was also traditionally used to make bags, hats, and small tools, as well as in smoking rituals in Siberia to banish evil spirits. Its medicinal value is well recorded throughout history. Hippocrates noted its ability to treat wounds. In traditional Chinese medicine it is believed to treat throat, stomach, and uterine cancer, and in Ayurveda, it is used as a diuretic, laxative, and nerve steadying tonic.

Hoof Fungus contains phenolics, carbohydrates (one-third of which are beta-glucans), minerals, and fat. The most significant phenolics in the mushroom are benzoic acid, rutin, and protocatechuic acid.

Hoof Fungus may be beneficial for, period pain, hemorrhoids, bladder disorders, bleeding, or as a diuretic.

Complaince: cosmetics ingredient

Compliance varies from country to country. There is no harmonized botanical list of allowed botanicals in food or food supplements for all EU countries. Compliance for cosmetic ingredients is harmonized in EU.

Please check your local regulation.

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