
(Coprinus comatus)

Other names: Shaggy Mane, Chicken Drumstick Mushroom, Lawyer’s Wig, Inky Cap, Shaggy Inkcap, Coprin Chevelu, Porzellantintling, Schopftintling, Spargelpilz, Tintenpilz, Agarico Chiomato, Coprino Chiomato, Fungo dell’inchiostro, Czernidłak Kołpakowaty, Velika Gnojištarka

Coprinus lives in Europe and North Amerika. It grows on lawns, in woods, meadows, and on the verges of roads, and is edible only when young. Coprinus is cultivated and considered to be an edible mushroom in Japan, China, and other Asian countries, but in some European countries, it is not legally classified as edible.

Coprinus is rich in carbohydrates, dietary fibers, and proteins, and could also be a valuable source of phenolics. It contains coprine, a compound that is not itself a poison but interferes with the alcohol detoxification process. Up to 48 h after the mushroom is consumed with alcohol, the following symptoms may appear: flushing of the face and neck, a metallic taste in the mouth, tingling of the extremities, rapid heartbeat, and a feeling of swelling in the face and hands. Coprinus may also cause skin reactions in patients with atopic dermatitis.

Coprinus may be beneficial for cancer, hepatitis, cirrhosis, fatty liver, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, HIV, and obesity.

Compliance: novel food not registered, cosmetics ingredient

Compliance varies from country to country. There is no harmonized botanical list of allowed botanicals in food or food supplements for all EU countries. Compliance for cosmetic ingredients is harmonized in EU.

Please check your local regulation.

These claims have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or the European Medicines Agency (EMA). The product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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