White turmeric

(Curcuma zedoaria)

Other names: Amomum zedoaria, Cedoaria, Cetoal, Curcuma Sauvage, Curcuma zedoaria, E-Zhu, Essence de Zédoaire, Gingembre Bâtard, Herbe à l’Estomac, Huile de Zédoaire, Indian Arrowroot, Kua, Rhizome de Zédoaire, Round Zedoary, Sati, Shati, Temu Kuning, Temu Putih, Zedoaire, Zédoaire, Zedoaria, Zedoarie Rhizoma, Zedoary Oil, Zedoary Turmeric, Zedoary Turmeric Oil, Zitwer, Zitwerwirtzelstock, Sekvar, Bijeli Isiot

White turmeric is native to Asia. It is called “white turmeric” for its similarity to ginger from the outside and turmeric from the inside. Curcuma species produce an array of volatile sesquiterpenes, monoterpenes, and other aromatic compounds. White turmeric rhizome essential oil contains sesquiterpenoids and monoterpenoids. It consists of 1,8-cineole, curzerenone/epi-curzerenone, α-copaene, camphor, β-caryophyllene, elemol, germacrone, curzerene, and β-elemene.

White turmeric may be beneficial for colic, spasms, loss of appetite, indigestion, and stomach pain. Some people also use it for anxiety, stress, fatigue, inflammation, and as a mosquito repellent.

Compliance: food or food ingredient, cosmetics ingredient

Compliance varies from country to country. There is no harmonized botanical list of allowed botanicals in food or food supplements for all EU countries. Compliance for cosmetic ingredients is harmonized in EU.

Please check your local regulation.

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