
(Valeriana officinalis)

Other names: Valeriana, Herbe aux Chats, Arzneibaldrian, Baldrian, Xié Cǎo, Erba-gatta, Ljekoviti odoljen, Odoljen, Kozlík Lékařský, Læge-baldrian, Valeriaan, Legevendelrot, Baleriàna, Erva-benedicta, Zdravilna Špajka, Alfeñique, Balenziana, Hierba de los Gatos

Valerian is native to Europe and Asia. Its root has been used as a sedative for more than 2.000 years. Hippocrates, the Greek doctor who inspired the name of the Hippocratic Oath, used it to treat insomnia. Valerian contains sesquiterpenes of volatile oil, iridoids, alkaloids, and free amino acids, with the sesquiterpenes being the primary source of its pharmacologic effects.

Valerian may be beneficial for insomnia, anxiety, digestion, fatigue, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), depression, epilepsy, infantile convulsions, menopause, menstrual cramps, restlessness, and tremors.

Compliance: food supplement, cosmetics ingredient

Compliance varies from country to country. There is no harmonized botanical list of allowed botanicals in food or food supplements for all EU countries. Compliance for cosmetic ingredients is harmonized in EU.

Please check your local regulation.

These claims have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or the European Medicines Agency (EMA). The product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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